Friday, November 30, 2012

Thankful for Music

During this month, I have seen a number of posts on Facebook about what everyone is thankful for. Many of them included family members or friends they are thankful for, which is indeed a wonderful blessing, but this year I thought I would write about something different that I am thankful for – the gift of music.

Music has been a very important part of my life. I started taking piano lessons at 6 years old, joined choir in elementary school and also was involved in dance at a young age. When I was little I didn’t really like practicing the piano or going to my lessons, but now I really appreciate that my parents encouraged me to play an instrument. Adam and I now have my keyboard that I learned on and I really enjoy playing now more so than I did as a child. Music for me is a stress reliever. When I feel overwhelmed, I can spend hours at the piano learning a new piece or taking out old music that I have enjoyed over the years. There are even songs in church that I relate to and have come to love. “On Eagles Wings” in one song in particular that is special to my family and I. It was a song that was played at two of my uncles’ funerals, so anytime I hear it I always think of them. Music can be very moving and I love that it can be passed on to new generations. I look forward to someday teaching my own children music and hope they will love it as much as I do.

When I was 16, my parents got me an acoustic guitar. Twelve years later I have yet to learn how to play! Except for one or two easy songs, I haven’t taken the time to learn the instrument. Next year, as my new year’s resolution, I am hoping to take time to learn how to play. I am hoping to have an appreciation for the guitar as I have with piano. I feel music really is a blessing and a gift and certainly don’t want to take it for granted.

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